Hygiene Proficiency Certificate (Passport) Training and Test for groups and organizations

Training and Test for groups and organizations - Several venues

Ask for more information and request an offer:
Several venues, Helsinki, Vantaa, Porvoo

Do you handle unpackaged easily perishable foods at work? 
Take the Hygiene Proficiency Certificate (Passport) Training and Test! 

You are required to obtain a Hygiene Proficiency Certificate, also called hygiene Passport, if you handle unpackaged easily perishable foodstuffs such as meat, fish and dairy products in your work, and you do not have a professional qualification in the food industry (Elintarvikelaki (23/2006) 27§).
You may need a Hygiene Passport for jobs in, for example, cafes, restaurants, commercial kitchens, various kiosks, fast food restaurants, grocery stores, and food manufacturing factories. 

Price: 110 € 

Only the Test: 65 € 

Price include VAT 25,5 %.

Minimum group size is 8 participants. 

Ask for more information and request an offer!  



The content of the Training

  • Basics of microbiology, food contamination 
  • Food poisonings 
  • Hygienic work practices 
  • Personal hygiene 
  • Sanitation 
  • Own check practices at food premises 
  • Finnish food legislation and authorities 

During the training you will learn about food poisoning prevention, hygienic work methods and self-monitoring, among other things. You will also get information about food hygiene legislation. At the end of the training there is a test. To pass the test, you must get at least 34/40 points. After passing the test, you will receive a Hygiene Proficiency Certificate (hygiene Passport). The Certificate (The Hygiene Passport) is valid until further notice. 

Book for self-studyi: Laukkanen Marja: Basic facts of food hygiene. 

You can also find information and practice with model tests on the Finnish Food authority website: https://www.ruokavirasto.fi/en/foodstuffs/hygiene-passport/ 

The training is in English, the test can be taken in Finnish, Swedish or English. 

You can also take part in just the test without the training. 

Other considerations

Minimum group size is 8 participants. 


Bring identification with you! This must be an original official identity document that has a photograph and is valid. 


Cancellation terms: 

Participation in the training can be cancelled free of charge one week (7 days) before the training. Cancellations made after that will be charged the full participation fee. No fee is charged in proven cases of illness. Cancellations by e-mail to korttikoulutus@careeria.fi.

Ask more

Do you want to ask more about Training? Did you miss something?

Be in touch! We are happy to help.

Outi Tuina


040 080 4410


Matkailu, ruoka ja hyvinvointipalvelut

Lämmittäjänkatu 2, Helsinki

Hilkka-Leena Orava


040 146 8336


Matkailu, ruoka ja hyvinvointipalvelut

Hevosenkengänkatu 2, Porvoo