Tutor and Student Union Activities
All students of the educational institution automatically become members of the student union. The student union represents Careeria students, for example, before making decisions that have a significant impact on their studies or otherwise affecting their student status (Act on Vocational Education and Training 531/2017).
Tutor and Student Union activities increase student well-being, sense of community, enjoyment, inclusion and support the progress of studies. Student activities include various events for students and network cooperation. Students have the opportunity to participate in the activities and develop them to suit themselves and other students.
The importance of tutor and student union activities
Tutoring activities enable supporting student well-being and peer relationships at Careeria. Tutors can guide, advise and help new students get to know each other and the activities of the educational institution, and they play an active role when basic education pupils visit and get to know the educational institution. Tutors can organise various events for students at different Careeria premises.
The student union focuses on advocating for students, representing students in school administration, participating in YHR (community wellbeing group) meetings, and organizing broader events and campaigns. The Student Union builds team spirit in the educational institution, ensuring that the students’ opinions are taken into account in the planning of the educational institution, and acts as a voice and channel for students to influence the educational institution.
Tutor and student union activities are seen as a single entity that represents active students.
In addition, cooperation with the staff will be intensified, which will improve the flow of information and understanding of the importance of student union activities. Strengthening cooperation and a sense of community is key to creating an even better study environment for everyone.
The members of the Careeria Student Union Board for the academic year 2024/25 are:
- Emilia, Chairperson, Careeria community welfare group (YHR) representative PMT, Deputy member of Multi-member body
- Sini Kiviniemi, Vice Chairperson, Careeria community welfare group (YHR) representative HKK
- Jasmin Johansson, Secretary, Careeria community welfare group (YHR) representative PMT
- Julia Sjöström, Multi-member body representative PMT
- Pyry Aapalahti, Careeria community welfare group (YHR) representative PMT
The student union can be reached by email opiskelijakunta@careeria.fi
Further information
Student Union
Anne Lehtinen, anne.lehtinen@careeria.fi
Tutor Activities
Mira Lostedt, mira.lostedt@careeria.fi
Hanna-Riikka Yrjas, hanna-riikka.yrjas@careeria.fi