Training abroad during studies

Careeria’s students can further their studies abroad thanks to Careeria’s vast European and global cooperation networks. Doing a training period abroad is a great way to improve language and vocational skills in a multicultural environment and get international experiences.
The International Learning Pathway
You have the possibility to do a training period abroad. It is possible to get financial support for a training period abroad from the Erasmus+ programme funded by the European Union. You will also get preparatory support for the trip abroad as Careeria offers its students an international coaching course.

There are many ways to carry out a training period abroad. The length, content and destinations vary depending on the study programme. The most important thing is to learn new skills and to get a unique international experience abroad. The training periods that are carried out abroad are fully embedded into studies. The preparatory course can be done as an optional common unit and during the period abroad a specific vocational qualification unit is completed. It’s also possible to get creditation for the language and culture skills acquired abroad.
The prerequisites for doing an international training period are
- study progress
- reliability
- backing from vocational teaching staff
- timely preparation for the period.
The training periods are individually planned for each student. A training period is planned together by the student, the vocational teacher and the international staff. The following aspects must be considered when the period is being planned:
- vocational aspects
- safety and security aspects
- Erasmus+ eligibility criteria.
The students who are interested in doing a period abroad are expected to show interest in international activities taking place at Careeria, such as tutoring exchange students coming to Careeria, sharing experiences with others and reporting the period in different communication channels.
International Coaching
The students who are interested in international activities and training abroad are offered coaching. The international coaching day is organized two times a year, once in autumn term and again in spring term. Further information on coaching and its assignments are sent to all students of Careeria via Wilma.
The coaching day is the best way to get all the information on the various aspects of training abroad. The following aspects will be covered by the coaching:
- experiences and presentation on international experiences by students who have already been abroad
- hints on how to get prepared
- check list for training abroad
- personal budgetingdifferent funding options
- insurance and safety issues
- travel and culture aspects.
The coaching is backed by a Moodle course where the materials and assignments can be found. They are on this Moodle course and the password is the year (ie. 2022).
You can do the coaching course under guidance or independently. The assignments are done in Moodle. Also the instructions are available on Moodle. Guidance for the coaching course can be found at StudyO, common unit worshop (YTO-paja) or from Careeria’s international team members.
Further Information
Get more information from your teachers or contact your study programmes international team representative. You can also contact Ville Vierimaa or Jukka Hakala who coordinate Careeria’s international activities.