Student dashboard published!


Lähikuva naisesta, joka pitelee kannettavaa tietokonetta sylissään ja istuu sohvalla

Careeria has developed its own dashboard for students. The purpose of the dashboard is to work as an information portal and it easier for students to perceive, monitor and manage their own studies. This has been achieved by gathering data from different systems and tools into a single view. In addition, links have been brought to the dashboard to places, such as, Wilma, Moodle and the Qualification requirements, where students can find more information

The student’s dashboard includes:

  • Student information, where you can check that all your personal information is up to date.
  • Information related to the right to study, where you can find information about e.g. study time, grounds for the qualification and group code.
  • Information related to the status of studies, where you can find information on, for example, the accumulation of competence credit points and absences.
  • The units and unit parts of the qualification, where you can find the structure of the studies, the units of the qualification and the unit parts within them. In addition, whenever information is available, you can also see, for example, planned dates, assessments, links to real Moodle courses and other information that makes everyday life easier, as well as direct links.
  • Learning in working life, where you can find jobs, contracts and workplace instructors and contact information related to work-related learning related to your studies.

The student’s dashboard is a completely new tool, so it is to be expected that there will be things to fix and further development in the early stages of implementation. We would like feedback, ideas and notifications about possible fault cases via the feedback form. The form can be found at the top of the dashboard page as part of the welcome text.

Note! Initially, the desktop will be published in Finnish, and as soon as the technical implementation of the translations and the language translation work are completed, the Swedish and English version will follow.


  • The link to the student dashboard can be found in Wilma in the Announcements section and in the message sent to students.
  • Link to help